Yesterday I got the call I've been waiting for! Dr. Tvetenstrand's office called to let me know my surgery will be on September 10th! I am so happy and relieved!
I spent this morning writing my formal leave of absence request. I don't know why I stress over these things, especially now that we have the "internet". It's so easy to look for samples and combine different elements to create the perfect letter.
Next week I go see Mickey (the psychologist) for my pre-op head shrinking session. After I see her, it's across the street to the hospital for the PAT's... (Pre-admission Testing). EKG, chest X-ray, blood-work... then off to the fairgrounds. Special shout out to Cathy for switching shifts at the fair with me! Love you girl!
My last pre-op visit to Maureen (the Nutritionist) is on September 3rd. She'll give me the pre-op diet and guidelines for after the surgery.
I can't believe it is so close! In 3 weeks my new improved life begins!
Woohoo! Congrats on getting your date!